Building Master Detail Applications with Alpha Anywhere


Alpha Anywhere's built-in data integration makes creating Master Detail applications built on relational data very easy. Depending on the type of application you plan to build - mobile or web - several approaches are available to you for creating a Master Detail application. Master Detail applications can be built using Grid Components, UX Components, or a combination of both.

Important Notice for Community Edition Users

These tutorials were built using the full Alpha Anywhere Development Environment. Portions of these tutorials may not apply due to features that are not available in Community Edition. Community Edition users may encounter screens that don't match their environment due to differences between the two development environments.

We strongly recommend starting with the tutorials in the Alpha Software Learning Center to start learning Alpha Anywhere.

In a Master Detail application, database information is displayed using a combination of a "master" list of records and one or more "detail" interfaces that show related data. An example of a Master Detail relationship is shown below:

Building Master Detail Mobile Applications Using the List, FormView and ControlBar Controls

Learn how to build a Master Detail using the List and FormView Controls in a UX Component. The List and FormView controls allow you to create a light-weight application that can be deployed in either the web or mobile environment. In this tutorial, we demonstrate creating a Master-Detail mobile application that takes advantage of several features, including Editors and the ControlBar, to create an easy-to-use responsive interface.

Building Master Detail Web Applications with Grid Components

Learn how to build a Master Detail web application using Grid components.

Building Master Detail Applications for Web Applications with UX Components

Learn how to build a Master-Detail application that uses repeating sections. While less powerful that the Grid Component approach, repeating sections can enable you to build robust data entry interfaces for collecting information, such as Orders or customer addresses.